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Sultan Tennis Trading Academy: UPDATE

 I'm pleased to announce that all 10 academy places have now been booked. Response has been fantastic, so thanks very much to everyone who has inquired over the past 2 days. Unfortunately, as I said in my last post, I will not take on more than 10 members. Partly because I don't want to give my strategies to too many people but also because any more than 10 could prove difficult to manage. With 10 people, I think I can enjoy the mentoring and add a better service to my members. So unless anyone drops out for some reason (or a payment does not go through) if anyone gets in touch now, you will be put on the waiting list.

As I say, this is not about money for me. I wanted something that will keep me more focused and stimulated day to day and I believe this academy will provide that - I'm already very enthused and raring to go! If I have not been in contact with you with my payment details yet, then it means it's too late I'm afraid, though if you've already emailed me expressing interest, I will automatically put you on the waiting list.

I hope to write occasionally on the blog about how things are going, so keep reading!

***Just to confirm, if you have already contacted me and I have given you my payment details, your place is guaranteed for now, even if you have not paid yet.

Daniela Hantuchova:

Tennis Academy Week 1

So I am now coming to the end of week 1 in Sultan Tennis Trading Academy and have started to realise the scale of what I've taken on! Not that it is too much or that I'm not enjoying it but I have realised just how much work I have put into trading over the past 3 and a half years. I had never before written out my entire trading plan, so to see it all spread out, every little detail, has been quite strange. Although the basics of what I do is very simple, the subtle nuances that make it profitable are quite complex. Much of it is stuff I have just been doing automatically, based on pure intuition and to learn that level of "gut-instinct" trading takes a long time for the average person. But in order to teach it, you have to be able to break it down and explain it, which is something I've never done before. I've found it very interesting and helpful for my own trading too. For example, I'd never given my individual strategies a name before. Now, whenever I trade, I use those names! It's also forced me to delve into my numbers a bit more. I've never been the best at keeping in-depth numerical records and working out win-loss ratios etc but I've tried to tighten up a bit more on that, for the sake of the academy. I don't think it will make any difference whatsoever to my performance but it is interesting to see the exact figures, if nothing else.

As for the actual mentoring, I'm finding it  a lot of fun. It reminds me of my time as an English teacher, where I had to adjust to each class I took (in fact, I am mentoring several different nationalities, so it's more similar than I expected!). The Entry Level 1 classes would have students that only knew a few basic words and couldn't speak in full sentences. The Level 1 classes were almost fluent in English and you could converse with them about anything. Then you had everything in between in Entry Level 2 and Entry Level 3. I'm finding coaching very similar and it is exactly the challenge and stimulation that I feel has been missing from my daily routine since I became consistently profitable as a trader. It helps that my students have been fantastic and are keen to learn, without overwhelming me and having unrealistic expectations - there is a long road ahead for most of them but I think they understand that.

One thing I immediately can pick up, is those bad habits and fallacies that many inexperienced or unsuccessful traders have. I know them instantly because I had every single one of them! The main fallacies which crop up time and time again with traders, are:

Thinking you need a big bank to be profitable (hundreds of thousands in some cases!)
Thinking you need to trade multiple games at the same time
Thinking you need to trade the entire tennis match from start to finish
Thinking you should use large percentages of your bank to trade with
Thinking your strike rate needs to be high (far more wins than losses)
Thinking you need to pick winners

None of the above is true. Time will tell how long it takes for that to sink in - if at all!

So as the first week has gone so well, I have decided to take on 2 more traders. So anyone who missed out last time, now is your chance to join the academy. Please email me using the address that you will find by clicking on "The Sultan" in the top left of the blog (it's a new one by the way - no more hotmail. Microsoft, what on earth have you done to it? Absolutely rubbish since it changed to Outlook). Tell me a  little about yourself and your trading and if I think I can be of help, you might get a spot.

Please note: I am not selling the strategies alone. It is the mentoring that interests me, not selling a bunch of ebooks.

Maria Sharapova:

Tennis Academy: Managing Expectations

One of the trickiest things I'm finding as a mentor, is managing trader's expectations. Many of them think that they can turn around their fortunes and become consistently profitable within a few weeks of trying a new strategy, a few days even - it just doesn't work like that. A good strategy is only a platform to work off. If you do not intrinsically understand the sport, the markets or the psychology behind trading, it doesn't matter how good the system is - you will fail.

Amongst the enquiries  I received about the trading academy, I found that I could separate traders into two distinct categories. Category One: Traders who had specific monetary targets and / or specific time periods by which they wanted to be profitable. The monetary targets are almost always unrealistic and the time periods almost always too short. These are the guys who are interested in how much money you are making, what size bank you've got and how much they can expect to make from a strategy.

Category Two: Traders who just want to learn and improve. They are not so bothered about specific goals and making large sums of money. What is more important to them, is learning the ropes, with a view that one day, hopefully, they will know enough to be consistently profitable. These guys tend not to worry about time and are prepared to be patient and work over a long period.

When I first advertised the academy, I asked people to email me and tell me a bit about themselves and their trading. Those who fell into category two are the ones I see most potential in and they are the ones I mostly chose to work with. Traders who fall into category one, I believe are going to struggle much more to find success in trading. Until you can put monetary targets and quick success to the back of your mind and focus on just learning, it's very difficult to progress as a trader. The frustration when those targets are inevitably not met, cause most traders to lose discipline and spiral out of control. But that doesn't mean it's impossible. I was a category one trader once and let me tell you, it added YEARS to my learning curve. Once I entered category two (after many failures and lost time) I started to turn things around.

It really boils down to two things: being patient and being realistic. Now of course, with the right help, someone can improve quite quickly and turn around their trading. I can already see a couple of my members who I think stand a fantastic chance of making it as a trader. And it's not about showing specific skills when executing trades; it's about ATTITUDE. When I see someone who exhibits positivity, patience, realism and hard work, that to me, is the right attitude to become a successful trader. When I see greed, impatience, negativity and laziness (wanting me to do all the work for them), I see someone who is about to lose their bank.

Perhaps the hardest expectation to manage, is stake sizes. Most new traders stake way too high after the merest hint of a winning streak and pay for it not long after. It was only 18 months ago that my maximum liability was just £50. I learnt with small amounts until I was consistent. Well, I did once I moved into category two! Then once I was able to work with a bigger bank, the profits rolled in on a larger scale but it wasn't because I had a bigger bank - it was because I was ALREADY consistently profitable from working with a small bank. I've tried to instil this from day one of the academy - let's see who listens!

Maria Kirilenko:

September: The Results

It's been a real slog since the start of the US Open. After my horrible downswing during the first week of Flushing Meadows (where I made a lot of mistakes), I found myself in a rut of bad variance. For a good three weeks, opportunities dried up and when they did arrive, they more often than not, didn't work out. So another slightly disappointing month in comparison with how I did over the beginning of summer but I'm still pleased as this was a tough month.

Any month with profit is pleasing to me. But I think it's something many traders find difficult to grasp - that not every month will be the same. The general theme I find (and I'm seeing it with some academy members), is that aspiring traders expect that the pros all make similar amounts of profit every month and it never deviates much. Consistency doesn't necessarily mean consistent over a 30 day spell and it certainly doesn't mean consistent over a weekly or daily period. In my case, I have been quite fortunate in that I've found a way to trade that is fairly consistent over a relatively short time period but that isn't intentional - it's just the way it's panned out. My only aim each month is to protect the bank and execute the strategy properly, not to make a certain amount.

My months tend to pan out quite similarly, possibly because I trade a lot of games (I average around 125 markets per month). What most people won't realise, is that within that month, I will have ups and downs. It's never a straight profit line on the graph from start to finish. I will usually have at least one week where I don't make any money at all - even be in the red. This month was unusually tough, in that I went about 3 weeks where I was basically breaking even. Only in the final week did variance swing positively for me. My aim during a difficult week, is always to break even. My records show that when I have a tough week where the wins aren't coming, I will usually end up around break-even point - as long as I hold it together mentally and don't start chasing. But that doesn't mean I don't have losing streaks of matches. Those streaks are the true test of any trader and I've already seen academy members who are close to giving up at the first sign of a downturn.

Unfortunately, downswings are part and parcel of any pro trader's life. There will not be a single pro who doesn't go through downswings and if they don't, it's because they've found a holy golden egg laying grail! In fact, I consider myself lucky in that I have not had a losing month in a long time because I know many pros do have them and I've heard that some even go a whole YEAR without making profit. But the key is, they know in the long run that the system they have works and will eventually produce an upswing which cancels out any losses. My biggest downswings don't tend to last longer than a week and I'll usually have a big upswing not long after because I am confident in what I'm doing, have got my numbers worked out and stick at it. It doesn't make a downswing any less frustrating though! I can fully understand why anyone who didn't have my experience or faith in my way of trading, would feel like giving up during a bad spell of variance but trading is TOUGH. I think too many people think it's easy and that's why when they are faced with the reality, they change strategy for something they think will be easier. It's a classic newbie error, one I made countless times.

So yes, I'm proud of how far I've come and grateful that I seem to always have profitable months - for now. But if people knew what I had to cope with DURING each month, I reckon they would think very differently about just what it takes to achieve that green figure on such a consistent basis. I certainly don't plan to make a certain amount or even expect a certain amount each month. I just deal with it one trade at a time and at the end of the month, if I'm out on top, it's a bonus. If one month I end up in the red, so be it. As long as it's not a massive loss, I'm fine with it because in the long run, I will have enough saved from winning months to cover it and I will expect a spell of good variance is not far around the corner. If it isn't, then I know it's time to start worrying and perhaps look to change something. Till then, I'll enjoy P&Ls such as this, as they are far more than I ever achieved in a "normal" job.

Monica Puig:

(If you are wondering about the football results, I am not actually trading soccer this season. The losses incurred on Betfair are a result of some arbing I've been doing with the premium charge in mind, so no actual losses overall)

Anyone still interested in

Feel free to get in touch via my email (which you can find by clicking on "The Sultan" at the top left of the blog), as more spaces could soon be available. Full details of the academy can be found by clicking here.

The Difficulties of Learning to Trade Tennis

It dawned on me this week just how difficult it really is to become proficient at tennis trading.You certainly have to be very dedicated and willing to give up some social life in order to become a successful tennis trader. I worked out that during my first year, I racked up over 2,000 hours of tennis trading - and I LOST money! But in retrospect, I realise that what I lost financially, I gained in experience. All those hours weren't in vain because, unknown to me at the time, I was absorbing the market movements and player knowledge. I wasn't really studying it with any real plan. I never recorded any info on players or the market prices (though I should have). But all the while, it was sinking into my subconscious and after around 12 months of trading, it suddenly dawned on me; I could read the markets. I could read the players. I could price up matches. I could spot value.

It was another 6-12 months before I was able to put all that together into a cohesive plan that started to make money consistently - so two years and approximately 5,000 hours. I'm now at roughly 10,000 hours. There is no substitute for time on the ladders though. You can teach a trader good methods but you can't give them that "gut instinct" and feel for the matches or the markets - that has to be experienced and learnt first hand.  That said, if I'd had someone with my experience pushing me in the right direction, I reckon I'd have cut out several thousand hours of going up blind alleys and making horrendous mistakes.

There has to be some element of intuition involved and you can't get that without many hours of hard slog. So the less pressure and the more enjoyment you can get out of those hours, the better. The very first thing I say to all my members is "Be patient and don't set any profit targets; only aim to learn, enjoy and protect the bank". Those who take that on board might have a chance of making it. Those who don't could be adding hundreds or thousands of hours to their journey and if you are doing this part time, that really is an epic journey.

For most of the traders I've taken on in the academy, it's not simply been a case of saying "Here's my strategies - copy them and you'll be a winner!". All strategies are just a framework. The entry and exit points are finely tuned rules, all with a purpose behind them. But without knowledge of the markets, value, money management and trading psychology, no strategy will make you consistently profitable over a long period. This is where mentoring, I believe, can be the crucial factor in whether a trader goes on to be successful. I already know that some of my members, if they had just bought the strategies alone and not had access to my advice and guidance, would have quit by now and moved onto other strategies. Many of them would be struggling to get their head around the ideas involved. That's not because they are some amazing, ingenious techniques that require a brain the size of the moon to implement. It's because most traders aren't familiar with the way that successful pros think about the markets. It's a completely different way to how your average bettor / trader thinks and it can take some getting used to.

A lot of people who enquire about my tennis academy, are backing short priced faves and wondering why they keep getting lots of wins (which they think suggests they have an edge) but one or two losses wipes them out. They think it's a psychological issue but when I suggest that it's more likely to be their strategy / approach to trading, they don't want to hear that! But if you can learn how to apply that correct mindset and approach to trading, then you are in a position where the markets are your oyster and you can discover your own strategies. Even those who do understand the correct way to approach trading, don't always apply that approach when they trade. Now that IS a psychological issue, rather than a lack of knowledge and again, it can take an outside influence to shift those thought patterns in the right direction.

For most of my academy members, what I've found they really need is to understand how they should be approaching trading as a whole. Even if they cannot make my strategies work, I hope that they will at least come away from the academy understanding the correct way to approach the markets and think like a pro. I wish I'd had someone gently (and at times, very strongly!) pushing me along the right pathway instead of my incorrect mentality leading me up all those endless blind alleys. So if you feel like you need a bit of a shove, why not join

I'm opening up one or two more places as we go into the final 6 weeks of the season - so just enough time to get primed and ready for an assault on 2014, with the WTA and ATP World Tour Finals to come. As before, email me on the address you can find by clicking on "The Sultan" in the top left of the blog and let me know a bit about yourself and where you are with your trading. Click here for my original post with all info about the academy.

Eugenie Bouchard:

Lady Champs & Lad Sex Change

The WTA Championships, (the traditional end of year tour finals) begin on Tuesday. I've written an article on this for Betting Expert which you can have a butchers at here. Where does that saying even come from "have a butchers"? Is it cockney rhyming slang? I dunno but I like it. Language and words can be very strange.....which brings me nicely onto the Lads Exchange.

I am just using this blog post as an excuse to write the juvenile yet undeniably funny title, despite the fact plenty of others have already done so! But while I'm here, I may as well chat about just what this sex change will actually mean. Will it finally cut off Betfair's bloated balls? Will the testosterone fly between these two heavyweights? Long term readers will know that I long ago campaigned for traders to move to Betdaq but became angered by Betdaq's lack of action. I feared that Ladbrokes were not going to do enough to turn them into a true competitor and the fact they've been so quiet since acquiring the purple place, has done nothing to make me think otherwise.

I'm hearing that liquidity on horse racing and football is getting worse this year on Betfair but I've not seen the same issues with tennis. Certainly, I've not had any problems getting matched and if anything, it looks as though liquidity in-play is better - though I don't have stats to back this up. The introduction of a serious competitor will almost certainly make liquidity worse in the short term, as it will be split between the two exchanges. But this is a very myopic view, in my opinion. Long term, competition can surely only be healthy in terms of the premium charge. If Betfair start to lose more customers, it could spell a long, terminal decline for them because they have very few (if any!) loyal customers as a fanbase and plenty who would relish their complete demise.

As a newcomer to betting, you are much more likely to start off with Ladbrokes than Betfair. People tend to move onto Betfair AFTER starting with the traditional bookmakers, most likely because they are curious about the exchange model or want to try out some bookie bonus bagging (which is how I first discovered them). If punters are now starting with Ladbrokes and immediately discovering the Lads Exchange, why would they then bother with the (un)Fair Lady? Especially once they discover that one has a tax on winners and the other doesn't! If the Lads sportsbook somehow feeds into the exchange, that immediately gives them a massive advantage over Betfair too.

Is it right for us to start getting excited finally, about a real exchange option? Well there will always be those who see the negative side; the split liquidity and the fact that Ladbrokes are still a bookmaker and that greed will inevitably result in them introducing a charge at some point too. But even if they did, the difference now is that we have a credible option at our fingertips. So if Ladbrokes do introduce a charge (and they'd be pretty stupid to create one at any time in the near future), I would imagine Betfair would be forced to react by cutting theirs - so hopefully, we'll get some sort of charge war! In fact, if Ladbrokes do start to take away Betfair's stranglehold, they will surely have no choice but to improve their dire customer service and reduce the charge anyway - though I doubt they would have anyone left to charge! It's possible even, that each exchange could end up specialising in one sport over another. Maybe Betfair will drop the premium charge entirely for tennis only? Who knows! But the important thing is, the monopoly would be over and what happens in the market would be back in the hands of us - the customer. They will be forced to compete to provide us with what we want and I don't see how anyone could possibly find negativity in that.

Looking even further onwards, success for Ladbrokes might even spark interest from another big bookie - how about William Hill buying up WBX to become WHX? Or Paddy Power acquiring Smarkets and finally getting rid of that awful name to become the Power-Ex? With markets starting to open up slowly in the USA, maybe this will tempt these players into the market? OK, I'm dreaming but it wasn't that long ago that people would've baulked at my suggestion that a bookie should buy up Betdaq - well it's been done! I still dream of  a day where no one uses a bookie and everyone bets against fellow punters. Let's face it, the only reason they don't right now is because the average punter doesn't understand how exchanges work or doesn't have a grasp of the technology required (i.e. can't work the interwebs).

One of my mates has been punting for many years longer than I have but because he doesn't even know how to get an email address, let alone understand Betfair, he doesn't realise the opportunities that exist on an exchange. If these people could somehow be reached and educated, you'd see a new wave of exchange punters emerge. In the future, when every home will have free broadband and the current young generations are well versed in the technology, why would anyone bother using a bookie? Just let me dream for now. It would be a beautiful, utopian, premium charge-less, paradise..............

Sabine Lisicki:

October: The Last Ever Results & Cheers Peter Webb

That's right, I've made the decision that this month's P&L will be my last ever on the blog. There are 4 reasons for this:

1. I don't want my profit (or losses!) to affect the members of my academy. I know that when I was learning, often when I looked at other blogger's profit, it made me feel inadequate. This often lead to me losing faith in what I was trying, because I wasn't making much (or losing) and that meant switching strategies and becoming more and more frustrated. Yes, they can be an inspiration to some and a guide as to what is possible to achieve but everyone is different. I try to instil in my members that profit targets are a bad idea and they should not even be thinking about making profit at this stage, so to have my own profits staring at them, is possibly a little hypocritical.

2. I don't think it's that interesting any more! I've shown over a period of almost 2 years what is possible to attain. My bank is still growing and my stakes along with it, so I hope to achieve even more in future but there comes a  point where it becomes a little vulgar to keep shouting about your profit and I think I'm not far away from that point (some no doubt think I went past it a while ago!). I have always felt it's not a problem for me on this blog because I started by showing all my losing days back in 2011. So I feel justified in showing a winning period as it's well balanced. There is a reason behind it, it's not just me shouting about profit for the sake of it - there is a journey on this blog, from consistent loss to consistent profit. But it's been 2 seasons of winning months now and there's not much interest to be gained from here on in.

3. I'm at the point now where I want my profit to remain private. Trading is no longer a secondary income, it's my primary income and therefore, when you read my P&L you are basically reading my salary. I would rather keep that info to myself from now on.

4. October is the last full month of tennis, so is a nice end point.

I think October's results are a fitting end to my trading journey on the blog. After 4 or 5 weeks where I was really just treading water and struggling to hit the heights of June and July, I finally hit that good spell of variance that I knew was around the corner and the waiting paid off. This illustrates perfectly what I've said in the recent past about trading not being one straight upwards line on a graph. Much of the time, it's a mental battle to try and stay patient and disciplined in the face of a dearth of opportunities or bad variance. But when a run like I've had in late September-October does come along, it makes it all worthwhile.

Elena Vesnina:

So I know what you are thinking: where does Mr. Webb come into this? Well it was a recent post of his which talked about how he tended to "accelerate into" a good start to the day, that got me thinking a little more about whether I was maximising my profit enough. I've usually tended to try and remain steady and not accelerate or decelerate depending on how my day was going. I have often thought about pushing that bit harder once I have some profit on board but it's often ended up the opposite - being slightly more cautious instead. But Peter's post did force me into trying something a little different and as I started October so well, I decided to put my  foot on the gas; really use that green to get involved more into final sets of matches, churn over more or let trades run to conclusion. The results below, speak for themselves.

I finally hit the magical £10,000 mark, making October my best ever month of profit by a considerable distance, almost doubling my previous best. And although I would've achieved my best month to date anyway, that blog post undoubtedly edged me up to and over 5 figures. So although it's well documented that Peter and I have had our disagreements, I do have to thank him for this information - cheers Peter! Though let's not forget it was mostly down to 4 years of blood, sweat and tears (all of that meant literally) by yours truly.........

The vast majority of my profit goes towards living expenses, savings accounts and a project I'm investing in for the future - hopefully another income stream. So I'm not compounding much right now but next year, I hope to start increasing the bank more. There's still a way to go before I have problems getting matched on most matches - my maximum liability during October was only £500. So I hope this is not yet the pinnacle for me. It just goes to show how much you can make with relatively little when you trade as opposed to straight betting. My largest ROI for a single match was approx. 700% (Azarenka v Jankovic at WTA Champs). I couldn't dream of making returns like that if I was just betting on faves or going with the money. October is traditionally "upset season" in tennis and this definitely played a part in making this such an outstanding month for me.

So that's it, not much more to say really except I hope you've enjoyed my journey from this daily P&L screenshot back in February 2011 to this:

If you are interested in knowing how I did it......

 ...will be recruiting new members for the 2014 season. The ATP World Tour Finals, Federation Cup Final and Davis Cup Final are still to come, plus the end of the Paris Masters 1000 and WTA Tournament of Champions - so joining now leaves you with some quality tennis to practice on and get you primed for next year. Anyone who joins now will get a full tennis season in 2014 PLUS the remainder of this season. So by joining now, you'll get membership till 1st December 2014 - an extra month of tennis action. (All current members will also get a full 2014 season before their membership ends, so an extra few weeks or months depending on when you joined).

I am also offering the option for you to RESERVE a spot. Anyone who RESERVES a place now, will be first on the list for January 2014, providing any spaces are left. There are reserve options which will guarantee you a place to start in January though - which means you'll be able to trade the first Grand Slam of the year The Australian Open, within just a couple of weeks of joining. For further details about reserving a spot, contact me via the email address which can be found by clicking on "The Sultan" in the top left corner of the blog and let me know a bit about yourself and where you are with your trading. Full details of the academy can be found by clicking here.

My latest Betting Expert.com article on the ATP World Tour Finals can be read here.

My Day Court-Siding at ATP World Tour Finals

This week, I decided it was about time I watched my first ever live tennis match and booked myself tickets for the full day of Thursday's ATP World Tour Finals at the O2 Arena in that there London. When I bought the tickets on Monday, I had a guess that I'd get a Federer match that day (schedule isn't decided till the day before) and got it right, so was extremely happy as this was the man I wanted to see. The fact that it was against Richard Gasquet (who is my favourite player along with the irrepressible Gael Monfils), made it even more special. And with Djokovic playing Del Potro in the evening plus the greatest ever doubles partnership, the Bryan brothers as an appetiser, I couldn't have picked a better day for my first ever live tennis session.

Of course, I naturally wanted to see if I could do a bit of trading whilst there and see if I could grab a bit of free money! It never fails to amaze me the amount of money that traders leave up well after the point has been decided, some of it totalling enormous individual chunks that I can only think must be controlled by a bot that needs further programming work. Either that or someone with more money than sense or a drunk Russian oligarch. Either way, if you can court-side, there is a lot of money to be made from clueless / slow punters. So I attempted to nab me a piece of the pie.

The problem is, the authorities are wise to court-siding these days and officials at ATP events are taught what to look for. Namely, someone who is busy fiddling around with their phone instead of actually watching the game (though the two Chinese girls sat next to me chatting throughout the match would be top of the list if that was the only criteria!), or with their hands in their pockets looking disinterested whilst everyone else is applauding. So I imagine suspicion would be easily aroused. The difference at the O2 Arena to most events though, is that the crowd is in darkness whilst only the court is lit up - so it's very hard for any stewards to see anyone acting suspiciously unless they are close to them. And when you have an enormous 15,000+ people, that's almost a needle and haystack situation.

I decided to get straight in there and test things out in the opener; a doubles match involving Dodig and Melo v Fyrstenburg and Matkowski. The immediate problem is that you have to use the original Betfair interface to trade with - something I haven't done for years as I use AGT Pro's ladders. So fiddling around trying to quickly place bets on Betfair's slow site without one-click bet placement is a bit of a nightmare, especially when you are trying to be discreet.  Then you've also got the fact that in the dark, your mobile phone shines bright like a beacon - although in my whole day there, I didn't see a steward or anyone official looking anywhere near where I was sitting. It's such a vast arena, I think it would be perfect for court-siding but for one tiny little problem..............reception is poor. Well, at least it was on my phone but I saw tweets from people on my Twitter timeline who were in the arena, so it can't be that bad!

Anyway, I gave it a shot but connection wasn't happening. But it is fairly obvious to note that:

a) You have a couple of seconds longer than TV audiences to place your bet
b) There are people scalping with fast pics who would be your competition, so you still need to have fast reactions, know the markets and know what you are doing
c) There are still  people stupid enough to leave their money in the market, even allowing for the few seconds disadvantage they have.

Eugenie Bouchard

I gave up and decided to watch the greatest tennis player of all time without distraction. The 6-3 6-4 scoreline  suggests he made light work of Gasquet but the Frenchman failed to take about 10 break points and at times showed sublime skills which outshone Federer. If I ever had any doubts about which of the two has the best backhand, seeing them live leaves the answer unquestionably Gasquet. Just a pity Fed beats him in every other department! The whole match felt a tad surreal to me though. Having watched these two on dozens and dozens of occasions over the past 4 years, to have them right in front of me was, well, weird! It also made me realise how much tennis I watch in comparison to the average person. I was always one of the first people (sometimes THE first!) to start applauding after a point, I guess because I could read when it was going out/in quicker than most. I also tended to know when a ball was out of play, whilst others in the crowd were eagerly awaiting Hawkeye. I remember I never used to call them right when I first began trading!

The one game which slightly disappointed was Del Potro v Djokovic. Not because the players didn't make you gasp with their speed, agility and accuracy but because it lacked variety. Unlike the Federer game or the doubles match between the Bryans and Rojer/Qureshi (which was the game of the day and if you ever go, make sure you do the full session and don't ignore the doubles matches), it was all a bit predictable and one-paced. Fortunately though, the crowd provided some entertainment, as sat literally 2 seats directly behind me, was the most vocal person in the whole 17,000 crowd! This "wag" thought it would be hilarious to shout "DJOKOOOOOOOOO!!!" randomly during quiet moments at the top of his gruff European voice, which wore thin after the 15th time. But the great thing he did do was allow me to shout "OLEEEEEEEEEE!" in response to his "BA, BA, BA, BA, BA, BA, BA, BA-DA-BAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" - so fulfilling a dream of mine! Actually the real dream is to be the one trumpeting ""BA, BA, BA, BA, BA, BA, BA, BA-DA-BAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" but you either need to be hammered or French to do this without feeling a complete tit (especially if no one responds with "OLEEEEE!!"

All in all, a terrific day out and I urge you all to attend if you can because it won't be around in London forever and when it goes, it won't be back for a very long time. The O2 is a brilliant venue, it's well organised, lots of great places to eat and drink (though £5 for a hotdog is extortion where I come from!), the court when it's lit up, with the crowd in darkness, has to be one of the best spectacles in sport (it looks so sharp and crisp and creates a unique atmosphere that TV doesn't do justice). I was in the cheap seats up at the top and even there, the view is not compromised and feels like you are on top of the players. I took some photos for the blog but as you can also see, the camera on my phone is as bad as the internet connectivity!

 Federer - Gasquet

Djokovic - Del Potro

Trust me, you feel much closer than these woeful pics show. I never see the point in taking photos at sporting events. We've all seen it on TV. "Here's a shot of Roger Federer playing tennis". Yeah, I already know what he looks like. Unless his shorts have fallen down or he's attacking a line judge, I'm really not fussed. Anyway, these prove I was there at least!

As anyone who has watched live tennis will tell you, you appreciate the speed and strength of the players a lot more in the flesh. The courts don't seem so slow either. I also found it a more enjoyable experience, as I  wasn't constantly thinking about entry and exit points! In fact, I lost track of the scores on many occasions as I was too engrossed in the players and the environment. There's also a couple of practice courts in the O2 where you can watch players warming up just a couple of metres away. Here you get a great feel for the size and skill of the players. Watching Radek Stepanek and Leander Paes doing net volley drills is genuinely one of the most impressive things I've ever seen! So get yourself down there in 2014 and make sure you have a good mobile phone - there's fun to be had and money to be made.............


Sultan Tennis Academy: 2 Months On (Part 1)

So the season is coming to a close, with just the Davis Cup Final remaining this weekend (my preview on Betting Expert is here) and it's been 2 full months since I began my tennis trading academy. So how has it gone during that time? From a personal stand-point, I've found it hard work but thoroughly enjoyable. It's certainly enabled me to keep focus better and given my days greater purpose and variety, which was exactly the reason why I started this project. In terms of my members / students, what's been interesting to observe is the way that each of them has used my advice. Whilst some have really tried to implement my strategies as perfectly as they can, others have been more interested in the general philosophy and approach and as such, have not used all the strategies, preferring to go their own way. Whilst some traders have never attempted to trade using my style before, others that are more familiar, have been able to move swiftly onto my more advanced options. Some of my students have taken their time and slowly, patiently worked their way into things, often not trading at all in certain weeks, whilst others have really gone for it, almost fitting their life around trading to get as much time on the ladders as possible.

Some members will bombard me with any question that comes into their mind at any time (which is something I encourage, by the way!) whilst others prefer to ask a couple of questions, go away for a week or so and try out / digest things, then re-emerge with a few more. Some like to question my methods, ask why I don't do this or that, give suggestions, whilst others never question anything and make the conscious decision to trust my ideas and strictly adhere to them. There's no right or wrong way to go about using the academy, it really is down to the individual.

Experience varies; from one trader who had never watched a WTA match before joining and another who had never used trading software (like The Geek's Toy); to someone who has been trading various team sports profitably for a while and several who have been trading tennis without success for years. Aspirations are generally similar - to become full-time. But the goals are often very different. I have one trader who wants to earn a minimum of  £9,000 a month - anything less won't do. Whereas another just wants to succeed; to become a decent trader for their own personal fulfillment, with anything on top of that a bonus.

Garbine Muguruza

I sometimes get asked about what challenges I've had to deal with in the academy. I've already written about one, which is managing expectations. I'm not someone who is going to sugar-coat trading and what it takes to be successful, in order to falsely motivate someone. I am always up-front in the fact that it won't happen in a few weeks and that the competition out there is stiff. One relative newcomer to trading, asked me if it was possible for him to make a million in six months. You might well laugh at this but I'm sure it's not that uncommon for new traders to have this view. Many people who contact me, despite the fact most have read my blog for a while, still don't understand the amount of work that goes into competing with other traders in the market. In fact, I'm convinced that the majority don't understand that you ARE competing against others.

There's a danger in thinking that the markets are simply an arbitrary flow of money that can be dipped into at will, when in actual fact, there are people controlling that flow of money. If you can't understand what those people are doing and why, or if you don't at least match the knowledge that they have, you won't get regular access to that flow of money. To know more than the average punter, you have to put the hours in. To know more than the  above-average punter, you have to go the extra mile. I had a trader say to me "If I don't know the players to the same level as you do by now, I will probably never know" - which I shot down immediately! If you really want it, you will not stop until you do have that knowledge. The only thing stopping you, is yourself.

Another trader claimed he had "Hit a wall" after just a few days of learning in the academy. I shot him down too! To be so frustrated that you feel you've hit a wall within the first week, is a worrying sign. This same person has gone on to become the student who has progressed the quickest in the academy and showing all the signs that he could go on to be successful one day. But that's what mentoring is all about - giving people a good shoe-ing when they need it! Oh, and the old arm around the shoulder too, when required! But trading is a competitive business and only the strongest survive. If you don't enter the markets with confidence, desire and armed to the teeth with greater weaponry than the majority of other traders, you will be blown to smithereens.

However, the biggest issue that has so far cropped up in the academy, I'm going to write about in my next post......


Sultan Tennis Academy: 2 Months On (Part 2)

Following on from my previous post about challenges which have risen in my academy, there's no doubt about the biggest one - a lack of understanding about value. That's to be expected and it's always going to be difficult to explain to someone who doesn't get the concept, just how you acquire the ability to be able to find it. For me, it's like learning to drive a car. No one has any idea what they are doing the first time they get behind the wheel and the co-ordination required to do all those actions at the same time (work one pedal with either foot, move the gear stick, control the wheel, check mirrors and keep an eye on speed) is beyond any human capability without practise. It's the same with spotting value in-play. You have to take into consideration a number of variables at the same time (what the market is doing, what's happening in the match, your strategy, liquidity, statistical data, previous knowledge, match conditions, time left etc) and within seconds, use them to assess and make a decision on whether to enter or exit the market. There's no way you can do that reliably without prior experience gained over many, many hours of study.

Just like driving, some people pick it up very quickly whilst others (like myself who took over 50 lessons and failed the exam twice!) find it more difficult to grasp. But that doesn't mean you can't still become an expert at it (I'm a bloody good driver now, though doesn't everyone think that?). Some traders have surprised me with how quickly they pick up the concept and seem to know what to look for. Others are frustrated that they don't really get it yet but it's far too early for any of my members to expect it to click. But as with driving, one day, it just does.

I remember the exact day it did for me. I'd been learning for about a year on and off, had 4 different instructors and two of them had actually shown frustration with me (bell-ends) because I just wasn't quite getting it. But the 4th instructor (a woman whilst the rest were all men - coincidence?!) within one session had diagnosed two big issues with my driving that none of the others had mentioned. As soon as I rectified those, my driving improved immensely and I was ready for the exam. My story goes to show just how having the right teacher is critical in these situations and I believe trading is no different. Some of my students have already told me that they now look at the markets in a totally different way since joining the academy and that is exactly what I'd hoped would happen. I've always said it isn't about copying strategies and instantly profiting - it's about changing to the correct mindset and approach. It's about opening up new possibilities and learning the fundamentals that will enable you to work the markets like successful traders do.

Vitalia Diatchenko

Time and time again, I see the same pattern emerge with the emails I receive: Unsuccessful trader over a period of months / years; Boom and bust periods - profit for a short time but lost usually very quickly with a few poor trades; Belief that the strategy (their own strategy) is not the issue but their mind is. But what I say to them is, it's probably a combination of both.

Once I'd discovered that psychology was a vital component to trading, I was elated because it meant that the problem wasn't with my strategies, it was with me! So all I had to do was to work out how to stop chasing and to red-up when I was supposed to and all would be fine. But I was wrong. The problem WAS with my strategies AND my mindset! And it ran far deeper than simply chasing losses and not exiting when I should do. Psychology in trading isn't just about those rash decisions we make in the heat of the moment. It's about our whole approach to trading and the way we look at the markets. If that aspect is wrong, then it stands to reason that any strategy we devise is also going to be wrong.

Once I discovered the correct ways to view the market, I was able to work on totally different sets of ideas and these ideas are the ones I make consistent profit from. Sure, I still had to work hard to stop chasing losses and stick to my exit points but all of that becomes much easier once you have 100% conviction in what you are doing and that your approach is the right one. That doesn't mean that my specific strategy is the only way, far from it. There are any number of ways to skin the proverbial cat. I've spoken with and read articles by many of the major players in the online trading blogosphere and none of them do things the exact same way. But I can guarantee you that those who strip the feline fur successfully, ALL have the exact same mentality when it comes to their overall view of the sports markets. I've come to realise that teaching this, is what my academy is all about. I'm quite confident in my ability to put traders on the right path to success. Whether they continue along that path, stall in first gear or decide to veer off up  a one-way street is another matter and something I'll discuss in part 3.


Sultan Tennis Academy: 2 Months On (Part 3)

Following on from my last post, I mentioned how I believe I can put traders on the correct path to success but whether they stay on that path and continue in the right direction is another matter entirely. That's because every person interprets information differently - no two people will act the same way given the same data, especially when it comes to trading. But there are some common themes amongst the mistakes that nearly all my members make:

1. Thinking a price is value but not knowing what the true price should be

It's very common for traders to say a price is value (especially when laying low odds) but the fact is, you can never say a price is value unless you have some idea of what the "true" or "correct" price should be. Whenever I see someone say "I entered because I thought it was value" I ask them "So if that price was value, you must think the market was wrong - so what was the correct price?"

Now for the most part, I don't expect any of my members to know the answer to that as it's too soon and more experience of markets is needed. But my point is that in future, you need to attain the skill of pricing up a match in order to be able to truly spot value. Otherwise, you are just having a stab in the dark.

2. Trading the match and not trading the market.

This ties in with number one, in that when most traders  decide on when to enter a market, it is based on what they see happening in the match on their TV screen and not about what is happening in the market. Yes, the two are related but in order to find value, you can't go purely on what the players are doing - you have to know what the other traders are doing. They are the ones controlling the money, not the players. Most traders seem to ignore the market and are only concerned with getting a bet on, regardless of price - otherwise known as gambling without an edge.

3. Tweaking and changing a new strategy

Nothing baffles me more than the natural human instinct to tinker with something that doesn't need tinkering with. I'm astounded at how traders can take a tried and tested, proven method and within days, start messing around with the entry and exit points - even when they themselves have been unsuccessful for years. But it does happen and more often than you would think. I'm not talking about straying mid-trade and starting to chase or over-staking because things are not going in their favour (which is something to be expected). I'm talking about actively, consciously, under no pressure before the match even starts, deciding not to follow the strategy and to do things a bit differently. The vast majority of the time, this ends in disaster. Why do we feel the need to do this? Is it because we don't trust the strategy? Is it impatience because we started with a couple of losses? Probably. There's always a reason but I am constantly amazed at how quickly traders start to lose faith in others, yet seem to trust themselves no problem, even with a poor track-record.

Vitalia Diatchenko (again)

4. Short-termism

I don't know if that is a real word or I've just made it up but I like it and I'm going with it! Basically it means when traders only think in the present and don't think about the long term consequences of what they are doing. It's common to pretty much every single trader in my academy, so not unexpected but it's something many find hard to shake off. Traders who exhibit short-termism, are so pre-occupied with winning their current trade or making profit instantly, that they forget about the bigger picture, which should be to learn and become more disciplined so we come out on top in the long run. Short-termism particularly shows itself I've noticed, by traders being too eager to take a profit. They become obsessed with just getting any size win because they are scared of getting nothing from the match. This means they never get the big greens which are possible (particularly in tennis) because they won't let the winning position run more than a few points or a game or two. There are a couple of ways to stop short-termism. One is to set some realistic short and long term goals to work towards, which don't involve money. The other is to have me shout at them until it finally sinks in. Either one is good.

5. Thinking it's all about picking winners

Saw a classic example of this on Twitter recently, when a trader claimed he'd called 6 matches out of 8 correct at the ATP World Tour Finals. Not a bad feat (although if those matches include picking Djokovic and Nadal to win their group matches, it isn't anything to shout about) but consider this: the final pick, this trader claimed that it was "Not great odds but a winner is a winner". This is exactly how not to trade (or to bet, for that matter). A winner is not a good winner in this case; it's a gamble at poor odds which came off. What makes it worse is that the trader KNOWS it was a bad price, yet he still took it. If you know it's a bad price, you either wait for something better (and he could have got much better as the price zoomed out in-play), lay it (as presumably it represents value), or don't get involved at all. He is not alone in this thought process though and many of my members join up with the belief that you need to find winners. But there's a big difference between picking winners and picking winning trades. On the other hand, if he knows it was a bad price, it perhaps means he does have the ability to price up a match; in which case, he just needs to make a few adjustments in his approach and he will be on the right path.

Every trader that has joined my academy exhibits at least one if not all of the above issues and so this makes it difficult to put and keep them on the right path because these ingrained habits and beliefs have often been there for years. But that's why my academy programme is for a full year - because these issues need time to be worked on. They won't just disappear over-night. But I had every one of those habits too and I've managed to turn it around.


The Sultan Returns

That's right, I'm back once again like the renegade master, to speak about myself in the third person! This has been the longest period in my 2 years of blogging, without writing a post. I haven't felt like writing anything, apart from a brief reply to a couple of comments on Cassini's blog, where a bit of negativity cropped up. Some people (who obviously don't read this blog regularly) have decided I am only writing about my experience trading on behalf of a syndicate, as a 'sales pitch'. Others have labelled it a poor sales pitch because I don't have any results to back it up. Well, I do have results and I posted them up with a full P&L screenshot at the beginning of each month - either the first or second post of every month I traded in 2012. Anyone who doubts my ability to make money trading can check them out. You can also check out my October results, where you can see I posted up two screenshots; one which was traded using my account and another traded using the account set up for me by the syndicate. But as my posts have NOT been a sales pitch, it's pretty irrelevant. I certainly would do a damn better job if I WAS making a sales pitch!

I have never touted for business on here but  have been approached by people interested in giving me their money to trade with long before I wrote my so called 'sales pitch'. I've turned down all but one. Whatever you might think about those people risking their money on me, the facts are, if they'd invested in me last year, they would have made a profit. The syndicate that did invest in me, made a profit. I've heard it said that the sports markets are not scalable, which is rubbish. I've already scaled up from £2 bets to £200 bets and the markets will be able to take far more than that before I even get close to finding it tough to get matched. I am not looking to get rich, just to make a comfortable wage. I know that I can quite easily do that without putting down thousands of pounds on every trade, something which would affect the market (in fact, for many games I trade I'd need to be putting TENS of thousands into the market before scalability became a problem). The tennis markets are scalable to a point and that ceiling is still well above what I would be happy hitting.

Thankfully, I've not had a single negative comment on this blog, only positive thoughts and constructive criticism, all of which I have taken on board. I'd like to thank everyone who did comment. I haven't replied individually but I'll do so collectively here. Firstly, I want to clear up the whole situation with me not being able to compound. The reason why I can't is irrelevant, that's nobodies business but mine, the only important detail anyone needs to know is that I can't. Therefore, trading with someone else's money is a good alternative as far as I'm concerned, in order to get me to a point where I CAN compound. Secondly, I am not a professional trader. I tried it once, it didn't work out. I have a job, I fit my trading around it easily because the two jobs are related. So it's easy for me to trade what would be considered 'full-time' hours AND do my other job, without adding too many extra hours. Very little of my time is actually spent in the market. I'm mostly watching and waiting and I've reached a point now where I don't even need to watch a match that closely. I only enter the market a couple of times in a match usually, so I have plenty of time to get on with other work.

Thirdly,  no more O'Dwyer comparisons please! O'Dwyer believed his strategy could not be implemented unless he had a large bank (£1000 was the figure he always quoted). If I had a larger trading bank, my strategy will remain exactly the same. I don't NEED a larger bank to make money, I WANT  a larger bank to make MORE money - it's not rocket science! O'Dwyer tried to gamble his way to a larger bank by placing straight bets which apparently had nothing to do with the strategy that won him tens of thousands (before losing him tens of thousands). If I don't get a larger bank, I'll continue as I am until I reach the stage where I can compound. It's not a big deal. But if I can get there quicker with the help of an investor that I'm comfortable with, why would I turn it down? Yes, there are pitfalls but all trading has pitfalls and it doesn't stop us taking risks in order to be successful.

Finally, you don't need to have a ruthless streak in order to make money through trading. You don't need the devil inside you! But you do need to be strong-willed, tenacious and confident, qualities which I already possess in abundance. So I am not giving up. I wrote my previous post in an emotional state where I was a bit down, fed up with the grind, the treading water, the repetitiveness and the fact I know I could be making so much more. That is something I'm sure affects a lot of long term traders and it's not a new thing for me, it happens every few months. But I have firm goals, I know exactly where I want to be and what I want to achieve. But sometimes, a spanner gets thrown into the works or an opportunity arises and you have to adapt and tweak those goals. That is what has happened in recent months and so it has got me thinking about other possibilities. I've had time to contemplate and have made a few decisions about where I'm going to go from here, which will become more apparent in the coming weeks.

Just wanted to end by mentioning Ladbrokes/Betdaq; finally, we seem to be getting some action! I like the new Russian Revolution-styled advertising campaign  and the Betdaq Manifesto could have been based around the email I sent them. So they are listening but then, it didn't take a genius to work out that customers hate the premium charge and want more liquidity and freebies. Why they needed a Ladbrokes takeover to kick their arses into gear, I don't know; there's nothing here they couldn't have done 18 months ago following the PC hike. At least it's a step in the right direction though and who knows, the Purple Revolution may just end in complete revolt...............

Sloane Stephens:

Sultan Tennis: The Ultimate Guide to Tennis Trading

Dear Friend,

Fancy making over £1000 PER WEEK virtually RISK FREE? Want to learn how to make a lucrative second income or become a full-time trader on the sports betting exchanges, for the price you'd pay for an away day at Arsenal?  Let me explain further......

You see, I know exactly how you feel. You've tried all these fly-by-night systems promising you riches and they've all been complete rubbish. I feel your pain. You've wasted hundreds of pounds of your hard earned money and feel let down by these cowboys. You've stayed up till 4am trading Copa Libertadores fooball from some Peruvian fishing village and not made a dime, despite 20 hours of continuous staring at a laptop. You've tried 'lay the draw', 'lay the favourite', 'correct score dutching', but none of these 'guaranteed winning strategies' have worked. So what now? I'll tell you what now.....................TENNIS!

That's right, TENNIS. Welcome to "SULTAN TENNIS: The Ultimate Guide to Tennis Trading"!! Your one-stop guide to making consistent profit on the sports betting exchanges, written by me, The Sultan, author of the "Centre Court Trading" blog. The beauty of tennis is that it runs for 11 months of the year and there is at least one tournament on every week to trade. That's around 45 WEEKS of EASY MONEY that you can make. "But I don't know anything about tennis", I hear you cry. Well, here's the good news.................NEITHER DID I!! You don't need ANY KNOWLDEGE OF TENNIS to make HUNDREDS OF £££££ of profit every day on the betting exchanges. My friends who have been watching sport their whole life, are all sick to their stomach whenever I tell them about my winning trades because despite all their knowledge, they can't even come close to what I make. "This sounds too good to be true", you are thinking. Well if you don't believe me, maybe you'll believe these testimonials from satisfied customers who have tested  "SULTAN TENNIS: The Ultimate Guide to Tennis Trading" already:

"Bloody Brilliant" - Dave, Hemel Hempstead

"I made £500 on the very first day" - William, Stoke

"I'd never even heard of Novak Djokovic, yet I made £1000 in my first week" - Diane, Glasgow

"The Sultan really knows his tennis and has guided me safely and easily towards a small fortune. You will not find a more knowledgeable or trustworthy bloke" - Pete, Newcastle

"WOW!! I was very cynical beforehand, thought this might be another of those ebook scams but I was pleasantly proved wrong - Sultan Tennis is the real deal!!" - Terry, London


"But I've already tried loads of tennis strategies" I hear you moan, "and none of them made me any money". You may have heard of tennis strategies such as "Back the Server", "15-40" and "Back the Favourite". Forget these archaic strategies THEY DON'T WORK!! You may have heard already but if not, I should tell you that with tennis, there is absolutely NO WAY YOU CAN LOSE MONEY on the betting exchanges!! That's right, it's IMPOSSIBLE TO LOSE on tennis matches, no matter what position you take at the start - as long as you do what I do.

If you want to make real money, consistently, thousands of ££££££ every week, I The Sultan, will reveal all that you need to start making money INSTANTLY and FOREVER. You won't need anything at all except a free Betfair account and a small amount of money to trade with. Then just follow my strategies which reveal information such as:

  • How to make sure you NEVER LOSE on a tennis match NO MATTER WHAT POSITION YOU TAKE at the start

  • How to get a GUARANTEED GREEN POSITION with my soon to be patented SULTAN SWING TECHNIQUE

  • How to trade men's AND women's tennis to an equally high standard - NO MORE MOANING about WTA being too unpredictable and crap

  • My super-secret SULTAN DOUBLE-BAGEL DELIGHT STRATEGY,  a technique so powerful it leaves all other strategies cramping in the locker room


It doesn't matter what standard of trader you are, or how much you know about betting exchanges, I will personally guide you through from start to RICHES by providing a level of customer service UNRIVALLED in this industry. Because I am just like you; an ordinary bloke, who didn't know anything about tennis or betting exchanges until a few short years ago. I've been through all the highs and the lowest of lows, all documented on my blog "Centre Court Trading" - so I know what it takes to make it. Now, I am a well-respected blogger, successfully making a living virtually RISK FREE. You too, can be The Sultan of the tennis markets.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your copy of "SULTAN TENNIS: The Ultimate Guide to Tennis Trading" today at the AMAZINGLY GREAT VALUE PRICE of just £79.95. Yes that's right, ONLY £79.95 for a guide which will make you thousands of £££££!! "What's the catch?", I hear you say. THERE IS NO CATCH!! The RRP on "Sultan Tennis" should be hundreds if not THOUSANDS of ££££. In fact, after the first 50 copies are sold, I will be reverting the price back  to £299.99 (a much truer reflection of its value) - so you really are getting an UNBELIEVABLE BARGAIN. At £79.95, you can make back the cost of the guide with just ONE winning trade!!

 But wait!! There's more!! Buy a copy of "SULTAN TENNIS: The Ultimate Guide to Tennis Trading" today and if you are one of the first 50 customers, I will throw in a FREE COPY of "The Sultan's ATP and WTA Player Guide 2013". This detailed guide will give in-depth info on the TOP 100 players on both the men's and women's tours and how to approach each one with your trading. But this guide is only available for FREE for a LIMITED TIME PERIOD. Once those first 50 copies of "SULTAN TENNIS: The Ultimate Guide to Tennis Trading" are gone, "The Sultan's ATP and WTA Player Guide 2013" reverts to its original RRP of £49.99 (though that is still a bargain, I think you'll agree!).

"Why are you willing to sell your secrets to success?", you wonder. Well the simple fact is that I consider myself as a bit of a philanthropist - I just want to help others. I struggled for years building up my tennis strategies but you don't have to. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than to get the comments that I get from people I've helped such as these:

"I didn't even realise there was a tennis tour for 11 months of the year - I just thought we had Wimbledon!! That's 11 months of profit, year in, year out!!"- Jeff, Plymouth

"I used to trade soccer but tennis ECLIPSES it as a sport to trade - even a gibbon could make money on the tennis markets with Sultan Tennis!"- Brad, Tennessee

"Thank you Mr. Sultan for changing my life. Your guide has given me all the tools I need to make money and put bread on my family's table for the rest of my life. God bless you!"- Taylor, Ohio

"They say women's tennis is rubbish but I f****** love it!! It's the road to riches, thanks to Sultan Tennis!!"- Jan, Rotterdam

"Sultan Tennis is simply THE best tennis trading guide around - PERIOD. No, scrap that. It's the best TRADING GUIDE around - PERIOD."- Claire, Swansea

"I used to lose thousands on Betfair till I met The Sultan. Now, I MAKE thousands - every single week."- Ahmed, Coventry

Don't miss out on this ONCE IN A LIFETIME, limited time period only offer of "SULTAN TENNIS: The Ultimate Guide to Tennis Trading". Once the first 50 copies have been sold, that will be it - no more for the forseeable future. That is because I will be dedicating my time to those who have bought my strategy and proved that they want to seriously make money. These people deserve my full attention and I will concentrate on making them profitable. Don't be a mug - act FAST and act NOW. Buy "SULTAN TENNIS: The Ultimate Guide to Tennis Trading" TODAY!!

The Sultan's Top 5 Trading Tips

I am now closing off all purchases of "Sultan Tennis: The Ultimate Guide to Tennis Trading" so I'm afraid if you didn't get a copy, you've the missed the boat. However, this post is a little something specially for my loyal readers who missed out on the greatest trading guide of all time.

I get emails sometimes asking me about my trading. Taking into account those emails, my own personal experiences and the things I've read on forums, blogs and Twitter down the years, I have come up with a list of things which I believe is sound advice for novice traders. I didn't want to include the blatantly obvious things such as "only trade with money you can afford to lose", "don't chase losses" and  "find an edge". They are things which everyone knows pretty early on, even if they do still remain stumbling blocks years down the line. I have chosen things which I believe cause most traders to fail because they are not necessarily things which are obvious at first. So here are the top 5 things which all traders should (though almost certainly won't!) do:

1. Expect to lose money

No one gets into trading thinking "I am going to lose my money". Well in my opinion, they should. Every new trader should set aside money for their bank, look in the mirror and say to themselves "I am going to lose all this money". Because in all likelihood, that is exactly what will happen. And that is perfectly fine. It should be labelled 'training costs', the same costs you'd expect to pay when educating yourself about any new profession: teacher, doctor, lawyer, engineer, IT consultant, whatever. We have courses to pay for, books to buy, travel expenses. We don't bat an eyelid for any of those professions, yet somehow, we start learning how to trade and expect to make money without shelling out for anything at all (perhaps an ebook and some trading software but even that isn't necessary). I guess it makes sense to think this way because there are no officially recognised qualifications or training programmes and no accreditation required to be a trader. Anyone can just start for free and instantly be making money.  Also, it's not a "proper" job; to most of us, it's a bit of fun, watching sport, having a laugh on forums and having a bet. So we go into it with a lax attitude. We don't take it that seriously.

We set ourselves improbable targets; 50 grand in one year, £500 per week, £100 each day. But I would say that even setting yourself a target of £1 per day, week or even YEAR, is unrealistic. A trader's first objective should not be to make money at all, it should simply be to learn. That's it. Learn and improve. Part of that learning process is accepting, taking and experiencing losses - you NEED to lose! Having a monetary goal can only lead to one thing - disappointment. Once you start becoming disappointed, you start chasing and once you start chasing, you stop learning. If you are doing the wrong things, you aren't really getting anywhere, even if you chase all those losses back.

The second objective, should be to not lose money. Work on protecting your bank, managing your money, making sure you don't have to keep refilling it and eventually, just breaking even. Only once you get to a stage where you are roughly breaking even over a period of a few months, can you say that you are ready to make money. Even then, you shouldn't start setting profit targets. Just let the bank build naturally, don't force it and always remember that anything you earn is a bonus. That way, if your bank recedes to zero again, you don't view it so badly because you can't miss what you never had, right?

2. Don't increase stakes too soon

I believe that this is the single biggest reason why most traders fail. When I began trading, I imagine I was no different to the vast majority; using the £2 minimum bet. Why? Because we don't know what the hell we are doing! We are naturally and sensibly, very cautious. This is as cautious as we can be without using a simulator. Even with £2 at stake, I remember being anxious! Greening up for 20p was a buzz! It felt like I was at the beginning of a big adventure and it was exciting, scary, intoxicating and I wanted to learn. Then I started winning.............

As soon as this happened, I became over-confident. All of a sudden, 20p wasn't a buzz. I started looking at how much I could've won, if only I had larger stakes, as opposed to what I did win. Trading seemed easy as the greens rolled in and I felt I was missing out on some decent money. Within 3 months, I'd gone from £2 stakes to £100 stakes - and I'm damn sure I'm not much different to most traders in doing so. Very few new traders will learn so quickly that they warrant an increase so big, so soon. I certainly didn't! But of course, once the losses begin, the chasing follows and the stakes increase again. Another 3 months later and my stakes had more than doubled again to £250. It was an entire YEAR, till I realised that this was a huge mistake. I eventually started over again, dropping first down to £100 and then, reluctantly, down to just £25. I stayed at this level for an entire year. During that time, my learning and development improved rapidly, far quicker than when I traded with hundreds, mostly because the pressure and anxiety were gone. I only increased them again once I was starting to become profitable consistently but even then, I did it slowly: £50, £75, £100. I still haven't gone back to £250 but I'm a damn sight better than I was back then!

Someone recently told me they were going to leap from £100 to £1000 stakes. This is completely crazy in my view. In theory, it shouldn't be. If you were consistently profitable with £100, then it's just a case of  doing the exact same things just with larger stakes. The problem is, when we see the red figures increase over-night, it's very hard to take in. Our mind doesn't just see an extra zero, it sees a red figure that was £20, is now £200. You've gotta be pretty cool to go from accepting a £50 loss to accepting a £500 loss. I doubt many people could handle that.

3. Expect going pro to be completely different to part-time

I've written about this before, so here is the link to explain this fully, including my favourite trading analogy - the penalty shoot-out. In short, going pro is NOT the same as simply upping your stakes and trading every single day, as opposed to in your spare time. There is simply no way that you can replicate the added stress and pressure that trading becoming your only source of income, will bring. But I don't think the vast majority of us really think it will be that different to doing it part time.

4. Expect to be learning for years

That's right - YEARS! I have received emails from people who have started tennis trading for just a matter of weeks, who seem to think they must be doing something wrong because they are not making money. Either they have bought the wrong guide or  are applying the wrong strategies or there is something they must be missing. They want an answer, something that will give them a quick fix to easy profitability. I usually tell them that there is nothing they are doing wrong other than being impatient. I tell them that in all likelihood, they will still be learning in a few years time and if they are making money in 6 months time, they are either very lucky or one of the gifted few.

I would hazard a guess that if every trader was told "learning to trade the sports markets takes on average 3 years to become proficient" (I actually think it is longer than this but we'll go with 3), at least half of those traders would not bother even trying to give it a go. I'm not sure I would have, to be honest! Most certainly expect profit within a few weeks. Even the most realistic and level-headed of us would probably be thinking within 6 months. Well I did this FULL TIME for 2 years before I got anywhere and I'm neither a gambling addict, nor short of academic qualifications. I'm just an average guy who didn't give up when the going got tough - though I probably should have! The simple fact is, it takes time to learn anything, especially something that has the potential to be so financially rewarding. If it was that easy, exchanges wouldn't exist - we can't all be winners.

5. Work on psychology MORE than strategy

Well this has always been the basis of Centre Court Trading - to get inside the mind of a trader. Most of us understand that psychology plays a big part in our trading, but I'm 100% convinced that the vast majority of traders do not pay it enough attention. Not in the same way they would their strategy or money management or learning about sport or making models and databases and graphs and charts and bots and all those other geeky, noodley, time-consuming things which frankly, I don't even bother with at all. Because when it comes down to it, all of that means absolutely NOTHING, if you start acting like an irrational maniac when you actually trade! Yet how many people bother to learn about and work on their mind? Not many, I'll warrant.

I think it's something people believe will sort itself out, around about the same time they find a profitable system. But whatever strategy you have, you should in theory, be able to at least break even on it. Even someone randomly sticking a pin in The Racing Post with little or no thought process, should come out roughly breaking even on the nags in the long term. So how come most traders LOSE money? It's their head! They could be applying the best system in the world but cannot control their emotions enough to stick to it properly. When things get tough, they chase losses and when things are going well, they get over-confident and try new things - bigger stakes, 'tweaks' to the system etc. What do these 'losers' do to improve their mindset? Most look at the system first. They look at their notes and databases and stats. They watch more games and study the markets more. But I bet they don't look at what is going on in their head and think of how to re-wire their thought processes - that usually comes well down the list, if it's on there at all. I personally think it should be top of the list.

Conquer the psychology of trading first and the rest only becomes a matter of time because it's all facts that can be easily learnt and stored away. Changing the way you THINK fundamentally, as a human being, after 20, 30, 40 years of living your life, is infinitely more difficult than discovering which points in a tennis match produce the biggest swings.

All of the above will of course, be completely ignored by 99% of traders, at least until  they hit rock-bottom. That's humans for you! We all want everything immediately and with as little effort as possible and we all think we are the one who will break the mould and don't need the help. But I now realise that if this wasn't the case, I wouldn't be able to profit on the markets. In fact, why am I even telling you all this? Ignore everything I've just written!! Oh no hang on - you will anyway..........

Sorana Cirstea:

Betting Expert Interview

Just a quick post today to tell you about my first ever interview! Andrew Brocker from the brilliant free betting community website Betting Expert.com, asked me a few questions about tennis trading and I've rambled on a fair bit, so take a peek if you have half an hour to spare! Here's the link:

Betting Expert Blog Interview with The Sultan

Whilst I'm here I suppose a quick update won't go amiss. Things have continued so far in May, in a similar vein to the April results shown in my previous post (below), only now, I have finally reached a situation where things can build much more quickly. This will hopefully mean me reaching new levels of success and I'm very excited about the upcoming French Open, as I feel this could be a watershed tournament for me. I'm deliberately keeping this quite cryptic for now, so all I will end on is "watch this space"..................

Ana Ivanovic:

The French Open 2013

I've just written my first article for Betting Expert.com: betting and trading info, ideas and tips for Roland-Garros which starts tomorrow. You can read it on the following link:

The Sultan's French Open Preview

Hope you enjoy it, expect to see more in future! If you have yet to read my interview on Betting Expert, here is the link:

Betting Expert Interview with The Sultan

I'll be back in a few days with my P&L for May and news on a few changes...............

Eugenie Bouchard:

2013 Season Review

So it's that time of year when I look back on how things have gone for my trading. When you consider how I ended the year, which was beyond my expectations, it's easy to forget how I started it. I was not far away from quitting trading completely back in February. I remember being very frustrated at the fact I could not afford to compound my profit and would not be able to do so for the foreseeable future. This twinned with the fact that the trading syndicate I'd traded for a few months earlier, had turned my head towards bigger possibilities, meant that I felt as though I should have been making much more than I was. This affected my mindset when trading, to the point where treading water was no longer good enough and I became impatient and started making mistakes. I had discussions with a couple of people about potentially investing in me but they fell through and that was almost the final straw for me.  I spent the longest time away from the blog that I'd had since I started it. I was ready to give up trading.

Instead, I re-grouped, got my head straight and ploughed on, more determined than ever. With my mind back in the right place, I produced my best ever month of profit in April and shortly afterwards, I was contacted by an individual who really changed everything for me. I've thanked him before on the blog but I'm going to thank him again because without his faith in me, I would never have been able to reach the kind of figures I have been hitting since May. This person's investment in me, enabled tennis trading to become my main source of income and to finally allow me to compound and go it alone successfully. Without that help, I would still be treading water.

Let me just be clear to anyone out there who may have the wrong impression though; the increased size of my bank was not the sole reason my profit increased. I did not change a single thing about my trading when the investment arrived. The extra cash did not mean I made more trades or got involved in more games or used a higher percentage of my bank to trade with. The only thing that changed was the amount of profit I got from doing the exact same things. A bigger bank doesn't make you a better trader. It just means you win more when you win and lose more when you lose!

Vitalia D.

So what is 2014 likely to bring? Well the most obvious thing will be Ladbrokes Exchange. I have already started trading more on Betdaq since Lads became part of their network. In fact, I traded every match from the ATP World Tour Finals on Betdaq. Liquidity was decent enough, though most of the money was clearly seeded by Ladbrokes because large chunks would routinely disappear from the market as the points were being played. Not a big issue for my style of trading in most matches but nonetheless, the depth of liquidity on offer has a long way to go to match Betfair. But that's to be expected and I think things will improve as the year goes on. I'll definitely be putting more of my money into the market and felt a warm glow of satisfaction at the end of the tournament when I was able to say that Betfair got NONE of the commission from my profit!

My goals have shifted dramatically over the past 6 months. I'm now not going to be satisfied with earning a regular, average wage each month. So I want to hit the £250k mark as quickly as possible and then leave Betfair for good. There is no way that anyone is getting 50% of my hard earned cash, even if that means never trading again. Hopefully, Lads Exchange will have changed the landscape by then and all those years of losing actually won't seem so bad after all, as I will never have paid back that much in premium charges!

With Sultan Tennis Trading Academy now in full swing, things really couldn't be any different to how they were at the start of 2013, with it's doom and gloom. In retrospect, things were never that bad for me. I was  heading in the right direction but just began to feel  a bit weary and fed up of the daily grind of trading. That's why the academy is so important to me because I don't want to end up in that state of mind again and it helps to preoccupy me when my own trading becomes monotonous. It also takes away some of the solitude of trading and adds greater purpose to my work life.

If anyone is still interested in joining up to start the new tennis season, it begins officially on December 30th but I will begin trading on the 26th for the Mubadala Exhibition event in Abu Dhabi. I trade this every year as it's always a strong line-up with good liquidity; Murray, Nadal, Djokovic, Ferrer, Tsonga and Wawrinka take part this year. It's unlikely I will be taking on any more new members in January, so get in touch now to reserve a spot. In fact, if I find I am too busy in January, it's possible I will never take on any more  new members - so if the academy interests you, now is the time join.

That's it from me till after Christmas now, so hope you enjoy the festive period and remember to be cautious at this time of year: don't drink and trade!

Betfair, Betdaq, Geeks Toy at the Ready............

.......tennis is BACK!! Yes, it's Boxing Day but no rest for the top male tennis stars as they begin final preparations for the 2014 season with the Mubadala Exhibition Tournament in Abu Dhabi. Andy Murray returns after a long lay-off and he's joined by Djokovic, Nadal, Ferrer, Wawrinka and Tsonga. It will certainly have strong liquidity and is an event I have always traded (though I will probably give most of the Mubadala matches a miss this year and spend more time with family). With the ATP and WTA tours due to begin on the 30th, this is an excellent tournament to ease your way back into the markets before the serious business of the run-in to the Australian Open on January 13th begins. I've not traded at all for 6 weeks and so am itching to get going on what promises to be an exciting season for me personally. If you've not yet read my preview of the new season, you can read it here on Betting Expert.com.
When I opened my tennis trading academy in September, I originally offered  just 10 spots, the reason being that I was unsure about whether I would have enough time to work with more than that. It proved to be no problem and I've since taken on more members. With several new members about to start over the next few days after reserving their place in November/December, the academy is now closing its doors - possibly forever, as I have no plans to continue after 2014. The only way that anyone can now join up, is if any of the new members who have paid a deposit to reserve their spot, decide to change their mind and not pay the remaining fee. So feel free to contact me if you are interested in becoming a member but please be aware, there are no spaces currently available - someone would have to drop out for you to join. So here's the full spiel one last time:
Basically, it's a trading guide plus mentoring/coaching service that I am offering for aspiring tennis traders.

Here's what I offer:

Insight into my style of trading
14 simple to execute strategies with advanced options
An email-based coaching service for 1 year
All my knowledge of the tennis markets
Help with the psychology of trading and tips to improve your mental game
In depth knowledge of all players inside the top 150, men and women
Analysis of your individual trades

Here's what I DO NOT offer:

A "golden egg laying goose" strategy
A guaranteed route to consistent profitability
Skype, face to face or telephone tutoring
Real-time, live trading analysis
Instant success for no work
Statistical databases

Why is it email only?

I don't have the time for Skype etc, as I need to be concentrated on my own trading. Please understand that I am not offering to be a full time mentor. If I did, I would be charging a lot more than I am! Most live trading mentors charge upwards of £50 per hour. You will need a hell of  a lot more than 60 minutes to become proficient at trading. Live mentoring can be great but it's very expensive in the long run and has its pitfalls.

I will provide you with my strategies plus lots of other trading information in my ebook to start you off with, so that you can trade immediately by yourself whenever it suits you. I will then provide an email service where I aim to answer any questions you have, to help you with my strategies and to analyse your trades. You will need to make notes and send them to me. I will aim to get back to you as soon as possible - most of the time I will be at my laptop trading anyway, so will hopefully get back to you during trading hours. I trade 5-7 days a week, every week, so you should never have to wait too long for a response.

Here's what I aim to do as a mentor/coach:

Set out realistic goals and targets
Get your mindset in the correct place to become a consistently profitable trader
Help you understand about value in the tennis markets
Help you learn how to read tennis matches
Analyse your trading notes
Give advice about becoming a full-time, professional trader

Why choose

My philosophy is not to hold your hand and do everything for you, so you become a clone of me. My strategies are there as a guide which you can tweak to suit your own style or use directly. With basic foundations set in place by me, you should then be able to trade well without the need for me to tell you what to do. This is not just another strategy ebook you are buying into but a coaching service for a full year which only a handful of other people will have access to. Unlike these other guides, you will not be learning the exact same thing as hundreds of other customers (which can lead to increased competition in the market and loss of value and edge) and will be learning a lot more from the author on a regular basis, about how to trade successfully. It doesn't matter what size bank you have, you can learn from me using £50 or £50,000!

For most of my members, what I've found they need is to understand the overall approach that successful, pro traders have, because they look at the markets very differently to your average trader. Instilling this approach is even more vital than learning specific strategies. Most importantly, you'll need to understand trading psychology and this is my specialty. It's what this blog has always focused on because it is the single most important but also the single hardest aspect of trading to master. This is where the academy really has value. I had huge mental issues and over-came them and I can help you do the same.

How to become a member of:
Email me (click on "The Sultan" in the top left of the blog to get my address) with any further questions and for the price. Please tell me a little about yourself; where you are as a trader right now and what you want to achieve. This will help me assess whether I can help you and if you really are going to put the work in to succeed.

I didn't want to bombard readers with lots of quotes from members, as let's face it, these things are pretty easy to fake. But I thought I'd throw in one comment which I received (completely unprompted) just to give an idea of how I can help:

 "Regarding your ebook it's the best money I've ever invested in to the journey of learning to trade, it's given my confidence the perfect boost & optimism that I can push forward. I put your ebook in to practice through out the finals & it is a brilliant book I must say. My strategies have mainly been based on breaks of serve so once i read yours i couldn't wait to put yours in to practice, it made me realise that my whole existing setup from when to apply strategies combined with the entry & exit points along with my staking was rather messy & quite frankly not good enough & in turn causing me to end up frustrated then things turning in to out right bets etc. 

The strategies, entry/exit points & staking in your ebook are brilliant, naming each strategy is a great idea & I've found it so hopeful. I found the whole setup regarding the ebook made me very patient, calm & very disciplined while trading the finals. The reds were kept very low & the greens were good & some were close to being huge. It's the most id enjoyed trading for a long time & I'm really looking forward to the new season." 

Ashley (Academy Member)

Please note: This service does not guarantee profit, nor does it mean I will do all the work for you. You will need to put the hours in if you want to make my strategies work. It will not be a case of simply applying what I do and watching the money roll in. The strategies are a framework. To be successful, you will need to learn about the markets, value, the players, money management and psychology but my coaching will guide you in the right direction.

V. Diatchenko

June: The Results

We are at the halfway stage of Wimbledon and so far, not only has it been my best ever week of trading, it has turned June into my best ever month of trading.

I hope none of you loyal readers of this blog stuck any money on Nadal because I did give you forewarning that he would not win Wimbledon and that he would be put under a lot of pressure by underdogs (if you read my Wimbledon preview on Betting Expert) - so you've only got yourself to blame if you did! I will admit that I did not expect Steve Darcis to be the man to knock out Nadal, as I never saw him as having a big enough game to out-hit Rafa. But if Darcis did, it just goes to show how much of a problem Nadal is going to have on any surface other than clay. His knees just cannot handle the pounding they will take on harder courts. I was amazed to see Nadal's price at 1.5 when he was TWO SETS behind and did not hesitate to lay it. It turned out to be my biggest ever win on a tennis match and has made up a large chunk of my Wimbledon profit.

I have to admit that I've had a fair amount of luck this Wimbledon so far. The now legendary day 3 (or Wipeout Wednesday as it's been nicknamed), really was a spectacular day for me. Seven withdrawals (4 before the match even began), and 7 huge upsets (Jankovic, Hewitt, Ivanovic, Sharapova, Federer, Tsonga, Wozniacki) made it the most exciting day's trading I've ever known, both from a gambling and a tennis-lover's perspective. Not only was I on the right side of the two biggest upsets, with Federer and Sharapova being ousted, I also managed to be on Gulbis when Tsonga retired and Cetkovska when Wozniacki took a tumble and injured herself. I like to see it as reward for daring to lay the favourite but I doubt I'll have a day like that for quite some time. Who is to blame for all the slips and upsets? No one! People  should just accept that it was an unusual week, almost certainly a statistical anomaly that we may never see again at Wimbledon. If the underdogs had slipped and exited the tournament, no one would be talking about the state of the grass, that's for sure.

Just before Wimbledon started, I was very surprised to find several bookies offering money back on outright winner bets if Andy Murray wins Wimbledon. I jumped at the offer to back Djokovic, which I felt at the time was as good as a free bet, as I expect either him or Murray to win. With Nadal, Tsonga and Federer all out early, I'm sure a few bookies are going to be sweating come the end of this week. Nothing has really changed though as far as I'm concerned. Murray and Djokovic were faves to make the final and both still are. Same with Serena Williams despite the loss of Azarenka and Sharapova. The great thing about all of this is that week 2 will see many more even contests with these big guns knocked out, than you would normally get in the second week of a slam and so better prices to trade with.

As you can see, I've not done too badly on the old soccerball either, for the second month in a row. The Confederations Cup turned out to be a fantastic spectacle and a great tournament to trade if you were looking for goals. The Italy 4 Japan 3 match was the best international I've seen in many a year and a big chunk of my profit came from this and also laying under 9.5 goals in the Spain v Tahiti game. Spain just hit their 10th and final goal with a minute or two to spare but it was a fairly low risk bet (around 1.5 to lay pre-match), so I was never sweating, though definitely very excited! I figured that after a dire Nigerian side still managed to put 6 past the admirable Tahitians (who played the game as it should be played), the Spaniards would have little trouble hitting double figures.

Aside from a little bit of bragging, I do have a reason for notifying you of these larger wins. Someone recently asked me how I coped with over-confidence, as I "never having losing days". I replied with a wry smile, that I often have losing days. The truth is, I actually have more losing trades per month than winning ones. I'm sure that will surprise a lot of people but I tallied up all my matches traded during June and it reads as thus:

WINS                   57
LOSSES                74
BREAK EVEN         22

Any wins or losses under £10, I counted as break-even, as they are a negligible amount that could easily have been a win or a loss. So that shows you that trading isn't about picking loads of winners. It's about maximising your wins and minimising your losses.

I just want to end by making sure any new readers understand that "Sultan Tennis: The Ultimate Guide to Tennis Trading" does not exist, as it was an April Fool's joke! I still get emails asking for a copy and I feel a bit bad having to turn them down! You never know though, this may well change one day...............watch this space!

Mandy Minella:

July: The Results

I'm going to reveal something now that might surprise many of you. Back at the beginning of the year, I wrote about how I had traded for a betting syndicate in October 2012 and how I had a few offers from potential investors to do something along similar lines. There was much debate amongst the blogging world at the time, about the merits of what I was doing and not long after, there was even more talk about the negative side of entrusting someone else with your money, as the 'Betfair King' (aka Elliot Short), was found to be a fraudster. Very few people had a good thing to say about the pluses of such a deal but then, very few people will have experienced the pros of a successful mutual trading agreement. But I have. Twice.

Because of all the negativity, I decided to stay tight-lipped and not write about this subject any further but I can now reveal that the main reason that I am experiencing such great profit over the past few months, is because one person (who will remain un-named) decided to take a chance on me.  It wasn't a particularly large sum of money (in fact, it was the smallest amount that I'd initially discussed of all the offers I've had) but I always insisted that I didn't need a large amount; just something to kick-start me and enable me to reach a stage where I can compound on my own. I have now finally reached that stage. So my investor has made back all his money and several times that, in just a few short months. Had he not taken the plunge and trusted me, I would not be in the position that I'm now in and I am extremely grateful for that. So much so, that although I no longer require his investment, I want to reward him for giving me an opportunity where most others wouldn't (all the other potential investors I spoke to elected not to get involved and in fact, a couple of them disappeared without a word, mid-discussion, which I find extremely rude).

So I'll be continuing our partnership for a while longer yet and hopefully making both of us more money.  It's not gonna be for everyone but for every Elliot Short disaster (and let's face it, that was a one-off in terms of the sheer scale and incredulity), I'm sure there are plenty of smooth, success stories - you just don't get to hear about them. Which is why I wanted to write about it here on Centre Court Trading but also to put in writing my sincere thanks to my investor. It just goes to show you that there are good, trustworthy people out there and that taking calculated, well-researched risks can reward the brave.

July has broken my monthly profit record again, which shows that you don't need a Grand Slam to make money trading tennis (Wimbledon ended on July 6th but I made relatively little profit on those last few days). There were also no Masters 1000 or WTA Premier events all month, which proves what I've said for a long time: quality of sport has little or no effect on trading opportunities (as long as you know your stuff). The only difference is in the liquidity available, which has not been an issue for me personally.

We are now into the final third of the tennis season and that starts with the run up to the US Open. With matches taking place in the evening, European time, liquidity will be strong, as many part-time / casual traders are now able to give tennis a shot after their working day is over. I personally dislike this period as it plays havoc with my social life but it will at least mean I can experiment with some larger stakes and see if I can take my profit up to another level. I will also be keeping a close eye on the football when it starts. After a couple of successful months trading soccer recently, I want to see if I can continue it this season. Or maybe I'm just becoming more and more greedy the more money I make! It's not a quality I admire but in this game I've come to realise that there is no point holding back and being content when you never know what's around the corner. The words "hay", "sun" and "shine" have never been more pertinent.

Petra Cetkovska:

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