Just a quick post today to tell you about my first ever interview! Andrew Brocker from the brilliant free betting community website Betting Expert.com, asked me a few questions about tennis trading and I've rambled on a fair bit, so take a peek if you have half an hour to spare! Here's the link:
Betting Expert Blog Interview with The Sultan
Whilst I'm here I suppose a quick update won't go amiss. Things have continued so far in May, in a similar vein to the April results shown in my previous post (below), only now, I have finally reached a situation where things can build much more quickly. This will hopefully mean me reaching new levels of success and I'm very excited about the upcoming French Open, as I feel this could be a watershed tournament for me. I'm deliberately keeping this quite cryptic for now, so all I will end on is "watch this space"..................
Ana Ivanovic:
Betting Expert Blog Interview with The Sultan
Whilst I'm here I suppose a quick update won't go amiss. Things have continued so far in May, in a similar vein to the April results shown in my previous post (below), only now, I have finally reached a situation where things can build much more quickly. This will hopefully mean me reaching new levels of success and I'm very excited about the upcoming French Open, as I feel this could be a watershed tournament for me. I'm deliberately keeping this quite cryptic for now, so all I will end on is "watch this space"..................
Ana Ivanovic: